Thursday, July 23, 2009

It's probably just as well that there are no followers for my blog. As bad as I am about not posting, it would be a disappointment to those who like to read daily.

I don't know how people find the time and energy and inspiration to write every day as some of them do. It's not that I don't think about things or have opinions to share. It's that I get bored with writing them down. It's the act of writing or typing that bores me as it's so much slower than just saying things aloud. If I could speak and have the computer capture it all as I spoke, I might be quite prolific.

Perhaps it's a good thing that I don't have a computer with speech capture capabilities. If I must write, I have to think more about what I'm saying and that can be a good thing.

Well, it looks like I have some work to do right now, so I'm off for today. Ciao!